Pay Accounts Online
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Patrons of our clients that have their account(s) assigned to our office may make a payment online through our secure web portal. In order to make a payment, a payer MUST enter their account and reference numbers. These numbers are contained in the letters and notifications that we mail to account holders. The Reference Number and Account Number are located in the upper right-hand section of our letters. Without these numbers, payers will need to contact a DRSI360 representative, toll-free, by calling 1-888-859-8124.
We accept all major credit cards, debit cards, and checking account information as acceptable forms of online payment. Please note that if you pay by credit or debit card, the transaction will appear on your billing statement as Designed Receivable Solutions; NOT as the original healthcare provider to whom the money is due.
When you have the information that you need to make an online payment, please click here.